Leatt 5.5 FlexLock Boots
Vital Review
Tested: Leatt GPX 5.5 FlexLock Boots
The Good
Durable, good bike grip and sole feel, innovative one-way velcro.
The Bad
Hard to point your toe to get under the shifter, wide fit - not great for narrow or standard width feet.
Overall Review
At $389.99 the Leatt GPX 5.5 FlexLock Boot is on the upper end of the mid-range, or the lower end of the top-tier boots, depending on how you look at it. We spent a ton of time in these boots riding both moto and off-road and they feel almost the same as when we first rode in them, which is good and bad. On the plus side, the GPX 5.5 FlexLock Boots are rugged, durable, long-lasting boots that, other than some superficial discoloration, have no signs of deterioration. On the downside, they were a
Leatt 5.5 FlexLock Boots
Vital Rating:
2020 Husqvarna TE 150i
Overall Review
Straight up, the 2020 Husqvarna TE 150i surprised the hell out of me. After riding all the 450 and 250 moto bikes for the shootouts and other tests, I have been calibrated for those hard-hitting four-strokes designed for the track. And when I hopped on this small two-stroke tuned for off-road, my initial impression wasn’t very good. Yet over the course of testing this bike in some super gnarly terrain, I’ve turned a complete 180. The TE 150i is one of the most fun and capable off-road bikes I’ve
Acerbis X-Seat Soft
Vital Review
Tested: Acerbis X-Seat Soft
The Good
The perfect amount of grip, waterproof, firm feel provides less of a pocket that some soft stock seats can have.
The Bad
Heavier than stock, can't change covers because there isn't one.
Overall Review
A seat is a seat, right? All bikes have them and other than the grippy-ness of the cover and density of the foam, there isn’t much to them. But what about the shape? Acerbis X-Seat Soft for the Honda CRF250R has a whole different shape (and grip and density, for that matter) than any other seat on the market. Acerbis X-Seat Soft Features MSRP: 199.95 Fully external plastic shell with anti-slip grip. External plastic shell bonded with a waterproof inner foam. Shell-bonded, expanded waterproof
Acerbis X-Seat Soft
Vital Rating:
ODI Podium CFT MX Handlebars-Ricky Carmichael Edition RC4 Bend
The Good
The black and bronze look amazing. For medium to short riders, this bend is really nice. Vibration and sharp hit reduction.
The Bad
Taller riders might not like the bend. Crossbar (even the CFT) isn’t for everybody.
Overall Review
One of the benefits of being one of the best motocross racers in human history is creating your own specific bar bend. Ricky Carmichael has been with ODI team since the RCH Suzuki Supercross team, and now he has come up with his own updated version of the RC bend for ODI. The RC4 bend is available in both the Podium Flight (no crossbar) and Podium CFT (crossbar with damping). We got our hands on the CFT version to test out on our 2020 Honda CRF250R. ODI CFT MX RC4 Bend Handlebars Features: MSRP
2017 KTM 250 SX
Bang for buck!
The Good
Powerful, light weight, reliable
The Bad
Front forks (not as bas as ppl make them out to be)
Overall Review
Love my 2017 250SX. Message me if you want any suggestions for setting it up for offroad. I race mine in motocross, grand prix, sprint enduro, as well as trail ride.
2017 KTM 250 SX
Member Rating:
Leatt 5.5 FlexLock Boots
Overall Review
First Look: Leatt 5.5 FlexLock Boot New from the ground up, the Leatt 5.5 FlexLock boot was years in the making. We've seen them on pro riders like Ryan Sipes and Johnny Walker for a while and they are finally available to the public. At $389.99, they aren't as wallet draining as other top end boots but they have plenty of top-end features. It was cool to see actual test dummy footage of Leatt slamming the boot (with a fake leg) at different angles to measure the forces going into the ankle and
Leatt 5.5 FlexLock Boots
Member Rating:
2020 Yamaha YZ250FX
Overall Review
As usual with OEMs that have a large range of dirt bike options, Yamaha introduced major changes to their flagship motocross bikes first, then a year later trickled those changes down to their off-road compatriots. Thus, the case of the 2020 Yamaha YZ250FX. In 2019, the YZ250F (MXer) got a top-to-bottom tune-up with a new frame, changes to the engine, new body work, handlebar map switch, and new engine mounts, among other small changes. Not only does the FX get all that, it also gets some
2020 Yamaha YZ125X
Overall Review
Premix fanatics unite! Ok, we know it isn’t a new two-stroke motocross machine but another two-stroke option is still a good thing. And when it comes down to it, cross-country style racing is still a growing sector of the dirt bike market and off-road is where a majority of riders, including pro motocrossers, get their start. Speaking of starting, that is exactly what the YZ125X is aimed at. Getting people started in the glorious sport that is dirt bike riding. Or even getting them riding again
Polisport Honda CR Restyle Kit: Nardo Gray
The Good
Awesome color, solid fit and finish, no rough edges or extra plastic to trim
The Bad
Fender mount washers would be a nice addition, shock access holes could be lined up better.
Overall Review
If there’s one thing I love it’s old two strokes. And if there’s something that I love doing to old two strokes, it’s making them look as updated as possible. The Honda CR chassis from the early 2000’s finally has an incredible facelift option on market thanks to Polisport. Polisport originally came out with the CR Restyle Kit in an assortment of colors consisting of red, white and black. Now, Polisport has decided to introduce the same kit in the very popular Nardo Gray colorway and I had to
Polisport Honda CR Restyle Kit: Nardo Gray
Vital Rating: