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RuneScape may be anything you'd like it to be

OSRS gold的首席设计师    Dave Osborne 在我问及他在其 20 周年之际的持续满意度时提到了这一点。“没有任何可用的培训,也没有服务器墙来划分玩家。

没有内容或内容不能被积极的玩家类型访问,”他在预先采访中告诉我。“RuneScape 中的每个人都可以在其全球范围内参与整个游戏。每个人都知道你有多成功,因为他们也很可能以此为目标。”

当您在 Lumbridge 时,有一天可能会有很多活跃的舞台游戏玩家。它令人陶醉。“我的头像比我参加过的任何其他运动都更能代表我。它融合了我在 RuneScape 所做的一切,这对我们拥有的球员来说很有价值。”

各种电子游戏旨在为你的生活争取控制权,但 RuneScape 是最真诚的。这与任务和故事无关。如果人们谈论胜利的王国,他们谈论的是达到第九阶段的所有统计数据。没有人认为获得《辐射 4》中的所有定居点是最终目标——这大约是关于冒险的故事。但是,在这种情况下,数字都是英里。它们就是它必须的。

RuneScape may be anything you'd like it to be. It's fit into my daily life in the same way it did once I turned seven yet in a very different way. If you've been a fan to it in the past, particularly in the 2000s, I certainly propose learning about the old School just be organized for a myriad of conflicts of emotions.

On the surface,  cheap RS gold   The First 20 Years is a fantastic present you can give your child of the 2000s for your existence. Filled with nostalgia, it's difficult to browse the pages with out looking in addition up Old School RuneScape. But as you study on the story, it's an incredibly bittersweet tale, as it turned into lightning in an bottle. This is a wonderful way to probable by no ever again be stuck in the future, and definitely not on the same level.


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